Core Values
We value diligence to live in the Truth and to do what we promise, striving for authenticity and transparency in our relationships with God and others.
We choose to trust and assume positive motivations over the natural tendency of suspicion and negativity in our relationships with fellow workers. Our motto is “fill the empty spaces in our relationships with grace,” meaning when we lack information or fail to understand our fellow workers, our default setting is basic trust in one another.
We believe God desires that we work together in the spirit of unity as team players, partnering together to embrace a larger vision and accomplish a greater task that is beyond the capacity of any of the individuals involved.
We are called to take the truth of the gospel, through the inerrant Word, to those who are in spiritual darkness. Our passionate desire is to lead them to Christ. Therefore we value the flexibility of our personnel to be culturally relevant and effective while maintaining biblical integrity. To enhance effectiveness, we give one another permission to try new approaches in our driving passion to bring people to the knowledge of the Truth and to stimulate church planting movements.
We will work diligently to create a culture of encouragement and edification by intentional and consistent words and actions of affirmation.
Lifelong Learning
We believe that workers who finish their lives and ministries well continue to learn throughout their lives, and for that reason value the cultivation of a corporate culture that encourages lifelong growth and learning.
We value the selfless efforts of servants to work for the success of others by taking supportive roles and by seeking first the success of the local work in each cultural context.