prayer group

Neil and Mandi Morgan


Meet Neil and Mandi Morgan, IM Missionaries to Spain

The Morgan family includes their fun-loving gymnast, Sofía, and their two Brazilian jiu-Jitsu-loving daughters, Emma and Aubrey. They are led by their “greyed-too-early” father, Neil, who loves going to the gym, and their book-enthusiast mom, Mandi, who enjoys trying out new projects on her Silhouette Cameo.

The Morgans have served with IM since 2008. After one term in Uruguay, they arrived in Spain where they are serving in the Alcalá de Henares region.  This city, which is the birthplace of the author of Don Quijote, offers exposure to famous soccer clubs, the tasting of delicious tapas, and walks along stretches of cobblestone streets laid by Romans in the 1st century.

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Why Spain?

Growing up in small towns in South Carolina meant everyone knew everyone and there were churches on nearly every corner. The church per capita ratio there is very high, and in many ways, the strong beliefs of our communities shaped us into who we are today. However, in Spain, 92% of small towns have no evangelical church. This is a huge motivation for why we have a passion for Spain.

Corresponding to the few churches is the fact that less than 2% of the population in Spain claims to be evangelical. Though the majority of the population still claim to be Catholic, this is largely in name only, and the number of those who identify as atheists continues to rise.

We have the heart to reach the Spanish people. We desire to find creative ways to build bridges into their lives and into these communities with no church so that we can connect them with the hope and truth of the Gospel of Jesus.

16 Unreached People Groups in Spain

How they are ministering to the people in Spain

How you can pray for the Morgans

  • Pray for the encouragement and growth of the Esperanza Church.
  • Pray for open doors to minister within the community and surrounding areas.
  • Pray that the Morgan family will have wisdom to know God´s will in all things and the courage to follow it.
  • Pray the Morgan´s financial support will stay strong and stable.

Neil and Mandi Morgan

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Total population of Spain

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You can partner with the Morgans to reach people in Spain with the Gospel.

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