The Hindu culture in India views worship as something that is done in a Temple. Many Hindus, and other non-believers, will not visit a church service if it isn’t in a “proper building.” Many of our FWB churches do not have a church building; they are meeting mostly in homes.
With India’s population growth, land in many places is quite expensive. In the last few years, we have built more of what we call “temporary sheds” with concrete floors, reinforced concrete pillars, and corrugated tin roofs. In the village areas, this is something that our people can better maintain and more of them can be built due to construction costs being less. The cost of building a permanent concrete building depending on size can be $25,000 – $50,000, but a temporary one can be built for $5,000 – $12,000. We have tried to encourage the local Indian believers to be involved in helping as much as they can, either with labor or help with materials so that they have ownership in the process.
These funds are needed to help them build these church buildings in order to facilitate church growth and inviting non-believers to attend church. Thank you for giving consideration to this IMpact project and helping to make the gospel more accessible to the unreached people of India.
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For more information, email Dr. Don Hanna at [email protected].