prayer group

IMpact Japan Annual Missionary Retreat


The IM missionary force in Japan has grown to number 24 adults and 24 children. Of that number, some work in teams with other missionaries, some with Japanese believers, and some in remote areas all by themselves. We are spread out over a distance of 625 miles and are living on separate islands. Though getting together for a field-wide retreat is vital for fellowship, unity, and ongoing strategy, it has been too expensive to carry off for most of the past several years.

A few years ago, Japan missionaries were blessed to get together near Mt. Fuji in a Christian conference center. It was a wonderful time of reconnecting and mutual encouragement made possible by a large gift from Florida Free Will Baptists. We will never forget their generosity and loving gift.

Would you like to partner with us by providing funds for us to meet again in 2021? We are looking for churches or individuals to give so that we can have this important and life-giving time together. We are also looking for child-care providers who would be willing to come at their own expense and love on and minister to our kids during this time.

Click the button below to give to the “IMpact Japan Annual Missionary Retreat.”

For more information, email Donnie McDonald at [email protected]

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