Imagine wanting to know more about Jesus and the history of your denomination, but you can’t because it is not provided in your language.
The Word of God, Christian hymns, doctrinal documents, and literature have all been used throughout centuries to help deepen, strengthen, and enrich our relationship with God. Through multiple meetings with our JFWB Pastors, we have heard of the need for more Free Will Baptist literature, history, theology, etc. in Japanese.
They have asked about translating some core FWB documents and books into Japanese. This is a major project and requires multiple translators. We are ready and prepared to establish and oversee this project but need funding to pay translators, obtain permissions, print translated copies, etc.
The IMpact Japan JFWB Translation Project raises funds specifically for these translation efforts. Your financial gift makes it possible for discipleship and leadership training to continue in Japan.
Click the button to give to the “IMpact Japan JFWB Translation Project.”
For more information, email Doug Bishop at [email protected]

Our first and almost complete translation has been of the FWB Catechism (pictured above). We asked Andrew Snow and one of our local Japanese friends to translate it and it is now in the editorial process. This will be IM’s first translation in this project to be completed but we have many more in the pipeline such as: Simple by Robert Morgan, Free Will Baptist History by Robert E. Picirilli, and Free Will Baptists Doctrines by J.D. O’Donnell.