The objective of this church plant fund in Ebetsu is two-fold. The first objective is to fund both interior and exterior renovations. The building is structurally sound, but we would like to renovate and modernize parts of the building in order to facilitate this new church restart. The second objective is to fund ministry needs and expenses as we restart New Life Church.
Before launch, we would like to make it an outreach center where we can host events and programs. As interest and name recognition improves, we will move towards launching the New Life Church. The services will be all in Japanese. We will want to incorporate some traditional/cultural Japanese church practices as well as bring a new and fresh style.
Who will be on the church plant team? Doug Bishop will be responsible for the pastoral/evangelical outreach and team meetings. Miriam Bishop will be responsible for the children’s programs and child care during the services and events. Kate and Daniel Speer’s priority will be language school, but they will also lead worship in services.
Taylor Pate will be overseeing kids’ outreach and working alongside Miriam with New Life Kids. Hannah Goucher will be working with middle and high school students as well as college outreach.
Click the button below to give to “IMpact Japan New Life Church Fund Project.”
For more information, email Doug Bishop at [email protected]