Meet Adam and Carol Duncan, IM Missionaries to Ecuador
Adam and Carol Duncan are native rural Missourians. They have two children: Caleb and Moriah. Even though Adam had a troubled home life growing up, he had the consistent witness of his grandfather, a deacon (SBC). Adam accepted Christ as Savior at the age of 9. Carol accepted Christ as Savior at age 8; her family supported the local church and missions. Her father, a deacon, and her mother teaching G.A.s. Adam and Carol met in high school and have been married for over 20 years. Adam has a background in law enforcement and police teaching (B.S. in psychology and M.Ed. in Counseling). Carol has been a nurse (BSN and MSN emphasis in family nurse practitioner).
The Duncans became involved at Rejoice Free Will Baptist Church (their current home church) in 2003, a mission church planted by former missionaries to Spain: Steve and Linda Reeves. Adam later became ordained in 2007. Adam worked bi-vocationally as the assistant pastor at Rejoice, Carol in the creative arts and media team, teaching youth and other age groups from 2004-2020. In 2018, they joined The Hanna Project team in Ecuador. In 2019, Carol led the medical team, and they felt God stir their hearts toward permanent ministry.
In December of 2019, they were approved by the IM board to go to Ecuador.

Why Ecuador?
Ecuador has a population of 17 million, of those 1.1 million are indigenous. This is the group we are trying to reach in the Amazon River basin. Of the 14 indigenous groups in Ecuador, the Duncans will focus on two unreached in the jungle: the Lowland Tena Quichua (2%) and the Lowland Napo Quichua (6% reached). These people groups are diverse in their exposure to the outside world and the gospel.
In the area we will be located, there are 39 communities and only five have an ongoing biblical Christian influence. Some communities are only accessible by foot or by riverways. The impact of reaching people with the gospel is only effective with lasting trust relationships made possible through IM’s partner Jungle Kids for Christ (Antioch Christian Academy). Their mission is to empower children in the jungle of Ecuador so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share the gospel message of transformation with their family, community, country, and world.
1 Unreached People Group in Ecuador
How they are ministering to people in Ecuador
How you can pray for the Duncans
- Pray for the people of the Amazon river basin. The economy still feels the impact of the Pandemic and last year’s national strikes.
- Pray for our partner organization, Jungle Kids for Christ, as we minister to children and their families.
- Pray for Caleb and Moriah that they may continue to grow in their knowledge of Christ and the burden to reach souls for Him.
- Pray for our language learning (Lowland Kichwa and Spanish).

Adam and Carol Duncan
You can partner with the Duncans to reach people in Ecuador with the Gospel.