prayer group

Meet Brenton and Debbie Driscoll, IM Missionaries to Bulgaria

Brenton and Debbie Driscoll were approved to be missionary interns to Bulgaria shortly before they got married in 2019. They arrived in Shumen, Bulgaria less than a month before the birth of their son, James (2020). They served in Shumen for two years, during which they were blessed with a second child, their daughter, Ruby Katherine (2022). The Driscolls completed their two-year internship in Shumen in June 2022 and relocated to the city of Varna where they are presently serving at New Life church.

Why Bulgaria?

We were both blessed to grow up in an intercultural setting and in families that were very much involved in missions. Brenton was born and raised in Japan, and Debbie was born and raised in Bulgaria. Long before we met each other, we felt the Lord’s call to serve Him cross-culturally, wherever that might be.

After we met, we started praying for our future together and for the place where the LORD was going to send us to serve. It did not take too long for us to know that He was leading us to go to Bulgaria, so we said “Yes, Lord!” and ventured on the journey to Bulgaria.

God was faithful and brought us to Shumen less than a month before the birth of our first child, and He has been faithful to this very day. We are humbled to be serving in a country where less than 2% of the whole population truly know Jesus, and we are fervently praying that our Lord will make His name known in all of Bulgaria as it is in heaven.

8 Unreached People Groups in Bulgaria

How they are ministering to the people in Bulgaria

How you can pray for the Driscolls

  • We completed our two years of ministry in the city of Shumen in June 2022, and relocated to the city of Varna, where we spent the remainder of our time in Bulgaria before returning to the States for our home assignment. Please pray for the people from the churches in Shumen and Varna, that the Lord will continue to grow and encourage them. Pray as well as for our non-believing friends in these two cities who heard the gospel over the last two years for the first time. May the Lord continue to reveal Himself to them.
  • Pray for our family as we are in a season of lots of transition and travel across the States. Pray specifically for our young children who will be spending lots of long hours in the car during these next months. Pray that God will protect our whole family as we travel across the country and fundraise.
  • Pray that the Lord would provide the funds needed for us to go back and serve at New Life Church (Varna).
  • Pray for us as we prepare to go to Varna and look to creatively reach Bulgaria’s third-largest city with the gospel.
  • Pray that God would guide and equip the believers in Bulgaria to do His work, and that He would use us as He sees fit to help in this process.
  • Pray that the Lord would provide Debbie’s green card and Brenton’s Bulgarian visa at the right time.

Brenton and Debbie Driscoll

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Total population of Bulgaria

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You can partner with Brenton and Debbie to reach the people in Bulgaria with the Gospel.

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