What was… what is… and what is to come.

You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21

Many years ago, when Lydia and I, with our two little ones, were preparing to go to plant churches in Bulgaria we spent several weeks in Colorado training how to live in a culture that is very different from our own. The one word that was heard most often in the hallways and lecture halls was “paradox.” Life in another culture can be a strange paradox. In Bulgaria, for example, the internet is usually better than in the USA, but driving ten miles to the next village can take an hour because the roads are so bad. Or, when you want to make a PB&J sandwich, you can find twenty kinds of jam, but not one jar of peanut butter.

Bulgaria is a paradox.

The truth is that all mission work is a paradox. This is the time of year when we restart all of our ministries after the summer hiatus.  It involves a myriad of plans and a lot of organization. Yes, we are a small church in Svishtov, but we punch way above our weight limit spiritually speaking. Every Tuesday we gather with a group of non-Christians to look at the Bible and convince them of the reality of the gospel in their lives. Wednesdays we meet for an online Bible study with people from all over Bulgaria who want to know more about their new faith in Jesus. Every Thursday we serve the community and build relationships through our English language clubs. In addition, we host men’s breakfasts, women’s gatherings, teen activities, etc.   And… then there is the paradox…  By doing all these things can we make people believe in Jesus? No. Everyone has a choice. However, it is my hope that by providing people with many ways to hear the gospel and to grow in faith, that God will open their ears and eyes to the hope that is in Jesus Christ. We plan. We pray. We organize. And we invite. But it is God who brings the increase. Yes, it’s a paradox… like here in Bulgaria where they put the mayonnaise in a yellow jar, so that I’m always putting mayonnaise instead of mustard on my hotdogs.  It’s a paradox, but I believe that God can work and receive glory even in the paradoxes of life.

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