November 10, 2021


  • Tim & Lydia Awtrey – Please pray for the outreach ministries we have with unbelievers in Bulgaria. The government is shutting down again and this is affecting our ministries with unbelievers. Please pray that, in spite of the circumstances, we can continue to build bridges with those who need the love of Jesus and grow the churches.
  • Jonathan & Amy Postlewaite – Last Saturday we were excited that one of our youngest daughter’s best friends was able to come to our kids’ Bible club. Please pray that we will have more opportunities to minister to his whole family and that God will help us to add more kids to the Bible club.


  • Adam & Carol Duncan –  Pray for continued economic concerns in Ecuador. Remember our partner missionary family, the Johnsons, who minister to the six indigenous families who send their daughters to live in the girls’ resident home at the school. Carol travels next week for medical missionary training for MD/NPs through Equip International in North Carolina. This training will have a focus on tropical medicine, physical therapy, and basic dental procedures. Continue to pray for her dad, Dennis, who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease with seizures.


  • Kenneth Eagleton – Pastor Sindhu Pani, leader of one of our partnerships in India, has been experiencing a good bit of pain in the last month in one leg, which maybe sciatic nerve pain. He has many responsibilities. He is getting tests done. Pray for healing and wisdom for the doctors.



  • Daniel & Kate Speer – Pray for the Lord’s continued provision for our Stateside assignment. We still need to raise a considerable amount of monthly support before we are able to return to Japan. Pray for generous partners to join in with our ministry as we seek to help with the New Life Church


  • Kenneth Eagleton – I am entering a visa request for Bangladesh for my trip there next month. Please pray that the authorities would view my request favorably.
    Pray for our churches in Pakistan as they seek to meet the needs of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.


  • Anthony & Lea Edgmon – Thank you for your prayers as we seek to serve people around us. One of the ways we do this is through English conversations. Last night, we had another vibrant, fun meeting together. I wish you could meet this great group of people. Pray with us for these students who have become our friends.
  • Sam & Lauren Riggs –  We want to thank you so much for all your prayers! We made it to Alpedrete, Spain with no issues. Emilia did amazingly well on the flights over and slept most of the time. Please pray as we are adjusting to this new life and ministry.

Mission Family

  • Pray for our expecting missionary families: Brenton and Debbie Driscoll(Bulgaria)and Daniel and Kate Speer (Japan). Pray the babies will grow and mature as expected.
  • Please pray for our Stateside missionaries as they seek prayer and financial support.
  • Pray for those who are still affected by COVID around the world. Many countries around the world are still struggling.
  • Pray for former missionaries struggling with a variety of health problems: Carlisle Hanna (India), Jerry Pinkerton (Ivory Coast), Bobby and Sue Aycock (Brazil), Florine Coscia (Brazil), Ledgel and Sharon Ferguson (Ivory Coast and France), Glenda Fulcher (Uruguay and Panama), Mirial Gainer (Japan), Joe and Barb Haas (France), Sherwood and Vada Lee (Ivory Coast), Lloyd Plunkett (Côte d’Ivoire), Amy Robinson (Uruguay), Tom Willey, Jr. (Cuba & Panama), and Don Robirds (Brazil, IM office).


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