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I Didn’t Know Why, I Just Knew I Needed to Go

I Didn’t Know Why, I Just Knew I Needed to Go

By Emily Hoff

When I applied for CMP, I didn’t know why God was calling me to go to Bulgaria; I just knew I needed to go. I left Oklahoma on June 17th and landed in Bulgaria the next night. I was exhausted from travel but greeted happily by the Postlewaites and a couple of other students. I immediately felt safe knowing that I was following the path that was laid out for me. I woke up the next morning ready to begin experiencing what ministry looked like in a country I had never been to and in a language I didn’t speak. I had no sense of nervousness, which was not what I’d expected. I felt comfort in the knowledge that I was being faithful. From there, I had many ministry opportunities: outreach in villages, teaching English, going to children’s homes, Bible studies, and church camps.

Soon, I saw that there was darkness among so many people who didn’t know Christ, especially among some of the kids. They had this craving to listen to us talk about Jesus, teach them stories, and really understand the Gospel. I knew that was a spark of light God had placed there, and I knew that everyone I was serving alongside was there for the same reason I was: to help that spark catch flame. In my time there, God taught me so much, and it would take me a long time to list it all out. The biggest takeaway I would say is that through being willing to listen to Him, regardless of your own plans, He will provide. I get stuck in this idea that I don’t know enough to share the Gospel because I didn’t grow up going to church or learning Bible stories. He gave me confidence in my ability to teach without having all the answers. He would use me where I was. He could send me anywhere and He would give me all I needed to get there and teach people about Him.

I spent six and a half weeks in Bulgaria, and it changed my life. It made me see how important missions is for my life and that it’s something I need to continue. Without trusting in God when I was told to go, I wouldn’t have learned that. It broke my heart to leave Bulgaria, but I knew that God would take me back if it was His will.

If you’re considering applying for CMP, do it. Apply, go, and be as present in the moment as possible. Learn the language. Experience the culture. Fully immerse yourself in the ministry you are given. Share His story, share your testimony, and make the most of every moment.

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