prayer group

Meet Joel and Lydie Teague, IM Missionaries to France

Hello everyone! We are Joel, Lydie, Eva, Alyssia, and Derek. We live in France near the city of Nantes and are planting a church there (in La Haie Fouassière). We have been appointed to serve with IM since 2012. I (Joel) was born in California but mostly grew up in France as a missionary kid, and Lydie was born near Paris. We met in Germany during a Christian youth conference.

Lydie and I love hanging out with our three fun children. We all love outdoor activities and admiring the beauty of God’s creation.

Why France?

Some people are surprised France needs missionaries, but the spiritual need is huge. There are very few churches and very few Christians. The percentage of evangelical Christians in France is around 1-2%. However, when we take a closer look at the situation, we can see that a huge number of them are among ethnic churches or are from immigrant backgrounds. We believe French people, especially those in the west of France, are perhaps one of the most unevangelized people groups in the world.

Touched by the very low percentage of Christians among French people, we felt called to quit our careers (software engineering for me and legal advisor for Lydie) to serve with IM full-time in 2011.

We are passionate about finding ways to talk to the French people about Jesus and answering their questions. 40% of French people claim to be atheists, but from our experience, we believe that many are very confused. They have tons of questions that need to be answered before they can open their hearts to the Gospel.

That is what pushed us to start the discussion-group ministry and also to start the apologetic-oriented outreach events called JPense.

37 Unreached People Groups in France

The IMpact Project JPense and IMpact Center of Encounter Project provide the necessary funding for our equipment, materials, and rental of the building so we are able to host the JPense events. Without your help, we couldn’t host the events. We are so grateful for your help in advancing the Kingdom of God in France.

Learn more about the Center of Encounter IMpact ProjectsLearn more about the Jpense IMpact Projects

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How they are ministering to people in France

How you can pray for the Teagues

– Pray that God will touch the hearts of all the people who attended the JPense events or any other outreach events and the many contacts that our team has.

– Pray that the church plant in La Haie Fouassière, will grow with new believers.

– Pray for the Churches of our French FWB Association that God will encourage them and send all of them people who are seeking God.

Joel & Lydie Teague

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Total population of France

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You can partner with the Teagues to reach people with the Gospel in France.

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