Being A Leader Allows You to Serve

Why Be an ETEAM Leader?

Being A Leader Allows You to Serve

By Jaimie & Tammy Lancaster (ETEAM Leaders to Brazil 2022)  

Over the last 23 years as IM missionaries, we have hosted many ETEAMs in Uruguay. We always enjoyed the enthusiasm of the groups that allowed us to see our ministry through “fresh eyes.” This year, however, we were asked to lead a team of five girls to Brazil. It would be our first time to be on the other side of the ETEAM leaders. We want to share why we did it and what we learned.

Our number one reason was that there was a need for leaders. We believe in ETEAM and the experience, so we were glad to step up.

Another reason was because of the access we have to the team members. As missionaries, our times together were during the programmed events and when the students were off with the leaders. Our time as leaders allowed us to listen, talk, laugh and cry together. It opened our eyes to what young people are facing today and allowed us to speak love into their lives and situations.

For a missionary, the cross-cultural aspect is important. We walked through all the cultural minefields as they stepped way outside their comfort zones. Many things were new for us, and it was fun going through them as a team.

Speaking of teams, leaders get the privilege of seeing a group of individuals from around the country become a unified group. It truly is a wonderful experience to see the extroverts and introverts unite and make sure that everyone is included in the conversations. From sharing space from overloaded suitcases to sharing a water bottle to drinking all the water instead of throwing it away, we’ve seen students look out for the benefit of others.

Being a leader also allows you to serve on another level. Not only are you serving a group of students, but you are also serving people in the host country or mission field.

There are several reasons to be an ETEAM leader, but the best way to find out is to give it a try yourself!

Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster served in Uruguay for 23 years. They also worked alongside the Uruguayan national church in order to encourage, train, and partner with national ministries. They live in Nashville, TN, assisting Kenneth Eagleton, IM’s Director of Field Partnerships.

Learn more about ETEAM and apply to be an ETEAM leader by October 15, 2022.

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