News Release – Ken and Jayne Cash Follow God’s Direction with Obedient Hearts

News Release – Ken and Jayne Cash Follow God’s Direction with Obedient Hearts

Antioch, TennesseeKen and Jayne Cash, IM missionaries to Bulgaria, have submitted their resignation. After they were appointed as career missionaries in May of 2020, they left their ministry in the States in obedience to God’s call as they moved to Bulgaria. They served faithfully alongside the Bulgarian team, completing each task given to them. They now feel like God is leading them back to the States for the next chapter of their lives. Ken and Jayne, once again, are being obedient to God’s direction for their lives.

Tim Awtrey, Bulgaria Field Team leader, says, “Just as Ken and Jayne have been an encouragement to the people of North Carolina, so too have they been a blessing and encouragement to the Bulgaria team these past few years.”

“Anyone who knows Ken and Jayne realizes that obedience and evangelism are like oxygen and water for them. Whether in the United States or during their ministry with IM in Bulgaria, they have always followed the leading of the Lord and have always sought to lead others to their Lord and Savior!” These words are from Curt Holland, Director of Field Personnel, who has worked closely with the Cashes since they joined the IM family.

IM labors with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.

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