Antioch, TN – The IM, Inc. board met on April 25, 2022. The board members present: Jeff Nichols, Rodney Yerby, Darren Walker, Will Harmon, Cameron Lane, and Mark Price. Present via Zoom: Janice Banks, Casey Cariker, and Rick Cason. Also present: Directors Clint Morgan, Rob Conley, Neil Gilliland, Curt Holland, and Danny Gasperson. Present via Zoom: Directors Don Matchett and Kenneth Eagleton.
Will Harmon started the meeting with an encouraging devotion titled “When You are Good but Want to be Great” from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
The IM board enthusiastically approved three two-year interns: Jacob and Hailee Voltz, who will serve in Bulgaria, and Tyler Justice, who will serve in France.
The resignation and notice of retirement of Dr. Neil Gilliland, effective December 31, 2022, was reluctantly accepted. Board members expressed their appreciation for his many years of faithful service. General Director Clint Morgan recognized the accomplishments of Dr. Gilliland both in our denomination and in the Kingdom. “Neil’s dedication and service in Africa as a missionary, his time on staff in the home office, his work with student ministries, and also his multifaceted speaking opportunities have endeared him to thousands of Free Will Baptists. IM has been greatly honored to have Neil on our team, and we will always count him as a member of the IM family.”
Neil Gilliland reports that Hanna Mott has given her notice of resignation, also effective December 31, 2022. Mott has been the coordinator of ETEAM for ten years. Hanna is loved by Free Will Baptists everywhere. Clint Morgan states, “I have been impressed by her ability to make every ETEAM member feel they are special. We have been privileged to have her on our IM staff and pray God’s richest blessings on her for the future.”
CFO Rob Conley presented a clean audit to the board and described the financial condition of IM, Inc. as very good. His report indicates that 2021 was a record income year of $8.7 million. Conley offered a 2023 framework budget of $8,850,000, which was presented and approved.
The board received great news from David Brown, Free Will Baptist Foundation Director. IM, Inc. was awarded $346,500 in grants from the Free Will Baptist Foundation for various ministries around the world. Hope Alive Church (Japan) was granted $150,000 to assist in its building project. Bangladesh was awarded $100,000. Village of Hope, an IM, Inc. partnership, received $10,500. The Pop Willey Scholarship received $50,000. The Pop Willey Scholarship Fund was approved and established to benefit Free Will Baptist international students. This scholarship fund will award grants to international students pursuing ministry-related studies in North American institutions. The board expressed their gratitude with applause (see picture below).
Curt Holland, Director of Field Ministry Personnel, presented a proposal to the IM board concerning Josh Provow. Approval was given for Josh Provow to be assigned to Shumen, Bulgaria, for another one-year assignment until June 2023. This extension is a continuation of his current six-month term.
The board adjourned due to illness and reconvened on May 19, 2022, via Zoom. Members present were Jeff Nichols, Rodney Yerby, Darren Walker, Will Harmon, Cameron Lane, Mark Price, Janice Banks, Casey Cariker, and Rick Cason. Also, present via Zoom were Directors Clint Morgan, Rob Conley, Neil Gilliland, Curt Holland, Danny Gasperson, Don Matchett, and Kenneth Eagleton.
Dr. Kenneth Eagleton and Jaimie Lancaster gave stirring reports of how God is working among IM Global Partners. Dr. Eagleton reports the Ivory Coast continues to lead the number of baptisms, contributing to a total of 229 baptisms so far this year among partnerships around the world. There are now 37 Free Will Baptist churches in Bangladesh, and they continue to train leaders as well as translate and publish portions of the Bible. In Pakistan, there are 50 works in three different provinces, and the churches recently sent two families to work in other areas of the country without any Christian presence.
With the addition of new partnerships, the IM board approved two new IMpact Projects: IMpact Bangladesh Conference Center and IMpact Pakistan Ministry Van.
IM, Inc. labors with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. For more IM news, visit
May 26, 2022